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Soft Corals for your Reef - Capnella sp.


The Capnella sp. (aka Kenya Tree) is hardy soft coral that it does well in many reef systems and it is an excellent choice for beginners. Due to similar appearance on the structure, the Capnella sp. is is oftern mistaken as a SPS coral.

Probably the most beatiful Capnella that I have observed and collected is the one showing below. The neon green capnella is one if is not the best of this type of soft coral. I have seen different colors like pale brown or light blue (stalk) but this Kenya Tree definitely is the winner.

Neon Green Capnella


The Green Capnella is an easy soft coral to take care in the aquarium. Moderate/strong flow and light will be sufficient for this type of coral.

The capnella sp grows in nature on reef slopes where is exposed to stronger currents , so replicating the natural habitat in reef aquarium will be ideal.


Marine Farmers tank raised soft corals are grown and aquacultured on location so these corals will grow and thrive at their best when you compared them with wild soft corals.

The common brown Kenny tree are well known for being self fragging machines, the branches would simply fall off and reattach themselves randomly like a forest. For the green or blue Capnella sp. you can use sharp razor blade. Just slice the piece you want off and drop it in small container with some rubble rock and place it in a low flow area of your reef and it will attach itself within a few days. After that you can glue it to their permanent place in your aquarium.

Blue Capnella sp.


The Capenall sp. don't required feeding since they contain photosynthetic algae. The zooxanthellae provides the corals with the essential nutrients but supplemental feedings of phytoplankton is also recommended.


Capnella sp. corals are easy to care for and a great addition to any reef tank.

If you have already added Kenya trees to your reef with good results, you can go ahead and try adding the Palau Nepthea or Green Sympodium as they are also hardy soft coral species with similar care requirements. Just make sure you provide them with good amount of space in you reef to grow.

Happy Reefing!

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